Welcome to my blog!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." -Dr. Seuss

Thanks for stopping by. I really hope that you take something away from this blog, even if it's just a book recommendation that leads you to a new series or new author that you will enjoy. I know that by keeping this blog, it's encouraging me to try new genres and to expand my horizons as far as reading new books, rereading old, and I'm even inspired to read the classics that I've missed. Because I'm a mom of four, I'll also be adding children's books into my reviews as I try to spend time reading with my kids on a regular basis. So why not review those as well and share them with you?

Books, for me, have always been great escapes. I remember being stranded on the island with the Swiss Family Robinson when I was 10 years old and it was a great place to be as I was having a rough childhood at the time. I flew away with Peter Pan and traveled with Meg through wrinkles in time, in Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Now that I mostly read 'grown up' books, I don't travel to islands but I do live in someone else's world (or mind) for a while and it's a great way to get away from it all even if for a short time every day.

Enjoy my blog and as always, happy reading!


New England is home

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, Book I)
Author, Stephen King
Wow. That is my initial reaction having just closed this book. The entire book was written with an air of suspense...waiting for an event that was big, an explanation, an answer. But while you are waiting, you are taken through many horrific events, thrilling and suspenseful. The Slow Mutants in the train tunnels, The Preacher woman in Tull...the entire town of Tull. The life of Jake.
My favorite quotes? I cannot write them here...I will just say that the vision the Man in Black gives Roland, along with the explanation of that vision. It ties us to the book...to the world, the universe, and to what may lay ahead for all of us. It opened up a new line of thinking for me...and let's just say that "Going Green" and recycling isn't going to help.
My favorite part of this book? Okay maybe it's because I'm a HUGE Stephen King fan and he can do no wrong in my eyes, but I really enjoyed the Afterword. To understand where this book is coming from, to know that it just is...and it will be whatever it is, makes me want to hurry up and read the next in the series...to find out where it's going, as Stephen King himself found out while writing the book. And to know that this story has been alive in King's life from the beginning...and will go on till the end...but as Roland says, it's only the end of the beginning...because is there really ever an end or a beginning? That's the questions this book rouses in me.
I loved it. Creativity, Thoughts, visuals, etc...
The Critical Librarian gives this book 5 Stars and highly recommends this for an excellent read!

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