Welcome to my blog!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." -Dr. Seuss

Thanks for stopping by. I really hope that you take something away from this blog, even if it's just a book recommendation that leads you to a new series or new author that you will enjoy. I know that by keeping this blog, it's encouraging me to try new genres and to expand my horizons as far as reading new books, rereading old, and I'm even inspired to read the classics that I've missed. Because I'm a mom of four, I'll also be adding children's books into my reviews as I try to spend time reading with my kids on a regular basis. So why not review those as well and share them with you?

Books, for me, have always been great escapes. I remember being stranded on the island with the Swiss Family Robinson when I was 10 years old and it was a great place to be as I was having a rough childhood at the time. I flew away with Peter Pan and traveled with Meg through wrinkles in time, in Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Now that I mostly read 'grown up' books, I don't travel to islands but I do live in someone else's world (or mind) for a while and it's a great way to get away from it all even if for a short time every day.

Enjoy my blog and as always, happy reading!


New England is home

Monday, May 9, 2011

One Door Away from Heaven, Koontz

This book is strange to say the least. I liked it...I won't say that I didn't like it...but it wasn't my favorite Koontz book by any means. There are numerous characters and chapter by chapter you are hearing about each of these different characters and eventually they all come together as you know they will as all of them become mobile. The problem is...there is at least one or two characters you forget about because you go 3/4 through the book without hearing about them again. By the time you get back to them...you are like 'oh yeah' that was from this book...hmmmmm. I also remembered certain parts like I had read this book before...so I think I did read it before but didn't remember how it ended or the details...so it wasn't memorable to me at all.

I'll give it three stars because you do want to know what happens in the end...so you keep reading but there are some unanswered questions and it does leave a bit to be desired in the end.

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